Legalize a Classic

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Legalize a Classic2021-01-29T17:06:18+00:00

Legalize a Classic

If you are thinking of importing or have imported a classic car, its’ important to understand the necessary legal requirements.

After the car arrives in Portugal, the new owner has 20 working days to clear the tax obligations with customs. The vehicle must be accompanied by an invoice or sales declaration (in the case of a sale between individuals), a Community Certificate of Conformity and a foreign registration certificate or an equivalent.

First step: Carry out the Type B periodic inspection by an authorized entity, who will issue a model 112 inspection certificate.

Second step: You must get the vehicle approved by the Institute of Mobility and Transport (IMT), by filling in form 9.

Third step: Next, you must go to Customs to complete the Vehicle Customs Declaration (DAV), which must be delivered there, together with the documentation gathered in steps 1 and 2. Customs will then issue the tax payment notice. Owners of vehicles (ISV) whose payment must be made within ten working days can do so at customs or through the ATM.

Fourth step: After paying the Vehicle Tax, a national registration number is assigned to the vehicle. The vehicle is allowed to circulate for a period of 60 days with the above paperwork.

Fifth step: After 60 days, you must return to the IMT and deliver the documentation obtained from customs (Customs Declaration of Vehicle and a copy of the booklet authenticated by customs). The documents are then sent to the Automobile Registry Office, where it will be issued the Single Document on your behalf.

Sixth step: You must go to the Vehicle Registration Office to request and pay for the Single Document.

Seventh step: Although it is not directly related to the legalization process, you should know that you that you have to pay the Single Circulation Tax, within 90 days; counting from the date of registration. Later, you can certify your car as a Vehicle of Historic Interest, exempting it from paying the Single Tax and Mandatory Periodic Inspection.

You must also simulate the import costs (ISV) using the Finance simulator available in the button below.

ISV Simulator